We possess the SKILLS and EXPERTISE to devise and execute a brilliant PR/PROMOTIONAL Campaign that will put your company on the map!
We HAVE ACCESS to top editors, INFLUENCERS, buyers, stylists, & celebS in ALL of the major MARKETS. AND We work with any industry, not just fashion.
Bespoke Promotional Services for your specific needs. Packages include, but not limited to:
1. Implementing a formal PR/pitch campaign
2. Press Release Writing & Distribution
3. Formally critiquing your branding materials
4. Building a viable media kit/promotional materials
5. Outreach via our kick ass Press List
6. Viral media distro to press and industry
7. Celebrity Product Placement for brand exposure
8. Social Media Management
9. Promotional E-Blasts to our data base of over 30,000 major fashion press, consumers, retailers, industry insiders & vip's, stylists, etc